Friday 14 October 2011

Contextual Studies - Roger Caillois

I agree with what Robert has said here, but only to a certain extent. It is completely true, that playing games does not acquire you any physical wealth. He is right to call it waste. At the end, you have gained nothing. You have only lost things. An alternate way of looking at it is that you may have gained or accomplished various things within the game universe. Therefore, not making your actions a waste of time. I think it depends on how you look at it. Yes, you may have built an amazing; building, castle, city within the game world, but ultimately, all that doesn’t matter in the real world. But then, if you take that standpoint, you could also argue that nothing in reality matters either. One human life, and all of its achievements are ultimately futile, insignificant and pointless in the long timeline of the universe. So this question of ‘play being a waste’, can go into enormous depth and detail.

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