Tuesday 4 October 2011

BA1 - Fundamentals 1 : Board Game - Update 1

Its my theory, that to give us a good base knowledge of computer games, we have been asked to think about their natural predecessor : the 'board game'. Our task was to design, from scratch, a board game. This would then include the core game mechanics, (which even as I type, we are currently working on) the target audience, overall theme, concept artwork for ;the board, pieces, counters, rulebook etc. and everything else in-between.

On the first day, after being herded into our groups, my group decided to start by dispersing and doing some research into the history of board games. What are the most popular ones today. Why is this so etc.
This was a good idea, as it would hopefully give us a bit of knowledge to spin our own creation off of. This was all before we ventured off to ToyR'us to do some first hand research, into what was already out there. Needless to say, we discovered overwhelming rank upon rank of board games, stacked high and stretching down the length of the store. This was a good indication of just how appealing board games are to children, and the masses of companies wishing to capitalise on this fact. After examining the shelves of the store, we came to the conclusion we were going to follow the majority and market a game to children aged 8-12, which their parents could play with them. This would emulate the classic family format of Father, mother, son and daughter, which so many great board games base their concepts around. Namely; Monopoly, Scrabble, and to a lesser extent; Trivial Pursuit, Risk, Cluedo, and Mah Jongg.

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