Tuesday 8 May 2012

BA3 - Contextual Studies

Our group finally decided to look into the theme of 'Children'. How children have been portrayed throughout game history, and wider history in general. This might envelope film, literature, classic fairy tales and cartoons.  How do both east and west decide to present children in different mediums.

We spilt our subject into three areas. Jac, has decided to look into the overt sexualisation of children. How the image of a child is sometimes twisted, perverted into something erotic, more 'adult'. Tyrone has gone to look at children in a positive light. For example, when children are shown to be heroes; brave, independent, good-hearted individuals. People who suceed against overwhelming odds. Myself and George have both gone into the dark side of children. To look at what it is to take a good innocent child, and show them as malevolent, violent or evil. Often even sweet, innocent children are found in horrific circumstances, sometimes nightmarish and bloody situations.
As we delved deeper into our subject, we found an ever richer selection of material to write about. The 'dark side of children' seemed to be a popular theme amongst video games and film. Both Japanese and American culture contained a lot of children in a 'horror' setting. Japan epspecially, being reputed for such modern classics like; 'The Ring' and 'Ju-on:The Grudge'. America appears to like taking films from other countries and remaking them to fit their own audiences. It has done this with both 'The Ring' and 'The Grudge', but also with other films, including 'Dark Water'. Which isa film about a mother and daughter, who are haunted by a ghost of a little girl.  Thus, highlighting not just a crossover, but a direct copy from one culture to another.

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